Member Agreement
Promote and sell Good Morning World products to ultimate consumers and not to sell or display those products in retail sales or service establishments. Maintain the highest standards of integrity, honesty and responsibility in dealing with the Company, consumers and other members.
Present Good Morning World products in a truthful and sincere manner and keep the company unharmed from damages resulting from misrepresentations by Members. Protect the Good Morning World trademarks and trade name and obtain the Company’s written permission prior to use in any advertising (including but not limited to, the internet, literatures other than Company-published, logos, pictures, and other marketing promotional devices. Member understands that display or sale of Good Morning World products in public, retail or service establishments of any kind is inconsistent with the terms of this Agreement.
All orders submitted to the company shall be accompanied by a credit card charge, bank deposit into Good Morning World America’s Bank of America Account, cashier’s check, or money order made payable to the order of “Good Morning World America Inc.” for the full amount due. Member understands that all orders are subject to acceptance by the Company and the terms of this Agreement.
Member is not a joint venture with, or franchisee, partner, agent or employee of the Company. Member has no power or authority to incur any debt, obligation or liability on behalf of the Company.
Member, as a self-employed independent contractor, will be operating his/her own business, making individual decisions, buying and selling products available through Good Morning World America Inc. in his/her own account. The company shall bear no legal responsibility for the actions taken by Members. Furthermore, both parties acknowledge that the Member is not an employee of the Company and will not be treated as an employee with respect to his/her Agreement for Federal, State or Local Tax purposes, or otherwise.
Member will be responsible for payment of any self-employment and other income taxes. Member will receive commission totals reflecting the amount of income paid during the calendar year by the Company. It will be Member’s sole responsibility to account for such income on his/her individual income tax returns.
The company may change suggested retail prices, discounts, commissions, transportation charges, contest rules and active status requirements at anytime. The company will give members at least fifteen (15) days’ prior notice of:
Member agrees to submit any dispute he/she may have to binding arbitration. The arbitration award shall be final and binding and judgment may be entered upon it by any court of competent jurisdiction. The United States Arbitration Act shall govern the interpretation and enforcement of the arbitration rules and arbitration proceedings. The parties intend for the Dispute Resolution Procedures to apply to the maximum degree possible in any arbitration. If members become involved in a claim or dispute, the Member will not disclose any matter that is subject to the dispute resolution process to any other person not directly involved in the conciliation or arbitration process.
Good Morning World Salesman Code of Ethics
In order to establish respectful business culture and to ensure fair and honest business activities among members, Good Morning World Co., Ltd hereafter stated as the “Company”, sets forth the Code of Ethics, and hereby request all members to follow through accordingly. All Members are subject to compliance of the Code of Ethics. This is an inevitable process to prevent any unwanted disadvantages, and to encourage long-term growth of business based on mutual trust between members. Hence, there will be strict enforcement of penalty in violation of the following Code of Ethics, depending on severity of action.